Telemark is not only the original way of skiing but also the most fascinating. What seems impossible - to do the same things on skis but with free heels - becomes reality with the right technique, proper body tension and big thighs. Every time entertaining to watch skiers look on their face while you pass them with style and grace. Not to mention the feeling you get out when you paint the smoothest lines into pow. Teleholdrio if you know what I mean.

The original way of skiing with its mix of power, elegance, individualism and sense of freedom is still unconquered. With progressive and sophisticated equipment, pushing the free heel movement becomes allure. Telemark is perfect for skiers who seek a new challenge and more physical demand in snow sports. It improves coordination skills, power endurance, the physical performance generally and in addition is easier on knee joints. Telemarks typical step change has a harmonic and an extraordinary natural feel which appeals in both the biomechanical and muscular aspect.

 Telemark Lessons 

 Telemark Rental Gear

For your convenience, guests can directly hire rental gear with me.  High quality and state of the art NTN (New Telemark Norm) shoes and skis are exclusively offered in combination with booking lessons. NTN shoes are available in half sizes from mondopoint size 23,5 up to 30,5. Ski lengths vary from 155 cm to 175 cm.


+41 79 655 44 83

claudio@telemarkschule.ch  or through contact page


Via Camutsch 2

7017 Flims Dorf 

(find in Google Maps)

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© 2025  Claudio Veraguth
